Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

Everything is better with a straw in it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Huntsville, AL

I took the boys to the Botanical Garden,
and my four year old loved it.
There were fish, butterflies, tree houses, 
and water to play in.
It was a child's dream.
For me, it was quality time, in nature,
with my two little darlings.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

I spent a few hours celebrating
at a tea party table of wives and a soon-to-be
and I felt the excitement of what it must be like
to be about to start your life with someone.


Amiee Mann said it best: One is the loneliest number
that you'll ever do...
Two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number
since the number one.

I've been two and one and two again and always felt
this missing piece or this untouched part
of my heart that remains untapped, like maybe
if I knew where it was, or how to get in there
I would know better who to let in or to tell him
how to handle it, so that I don't get so scared
and run.

All these thoughts clouded my head as I painted a smile,
drained my cup four times over and ran to the bathroom,
trying to tune out Aimee Mann,
and felt genuine happiness for a woman who is yet more proof to me
that it is possible to feel something other than alone.

Huntsville, AL

Thank you, Debbie for my happy balloons,
rather then an embarassing yard sign
announcing to the world,
that yes, I am officially 30.


Friday, May 13, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

Full moon waxed on the 13th as this shot
was taken from the ground
next to a grave at Hollywood Forever.

Feels a bit sacrilege to have fun in a cemetery, as well as
ironic that in the land of plastic surgeried-botoxed-smoothies,
you can be immortalized amongst hipsters frolicking
on Melrose.

I made sure to say a Hail Mary.


Huntsville, AL
 I took my time and enjoyed every minute,
with each flower that I passed by.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Mount Sidney, VA

I love the fact that my students cut out pictures of
my hubby, baby and me,
almost more than
I love the fact that they would do
to brighten my day.

Huntsville, AL

Eating PB&J by candle light,
happy the only thing we lost that night,
was our electricity.


Los Angeles, CA

I took a picture of why my day always starts out
so depressing. Needless to say, the picture of the herd of dogs
under the bridge I drive under every day to get to my office,
didn't turn out.

It's probably for the best...
and maybe a sign that I should interpret their under-bridge huddle
as freedom to roam and an open diet.

Tomorrow, I will try not to be sad.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

Momma's girl.

As I was cleaning out my closet, and creating a spread out mountain
of shoes, I turned around to see her planted directly in the middle.
Had I known, I wouldn't have been tossing them over my shoulder blindly,
but clearly she was missed each time and chose to make her home
in the middle of the storm.


Mount Sidney, VA

I Love You Through and Through
and tomorrow, too.