Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Huntsville, AL

I looked out the window and saw him sitting there.
At first glance, I thought he must be playing with his ninja toys.
He wasn't, he was pouting.
I went outside to ask him if he was OK.
I started to worry a little.
Why, would my boy be so upset?
We were about to go to an Easter Egg Hunt.
After a few minutes he said it,
He had been asking all week to wear his
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume
and it had not happened.

Our days have been busy, rushed, and exhausting.
Two different nights he asked, and I had to re-tract my first yes, to No.
It was too late, he needed a bath, it's time for bed, I had said.
I promised he could wear it when we got home. 
I knew, no matter what, even if he had to sleep in it,
he was going to wear that costume. 
Funny, how children never forget
a promise!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Huntsville, AL

My cup runneth over me. 
Praise to you Lord Christ!

The Lord has risen indeed. 

Friday, April 22, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

The thing about LA is, it hardly ever rains. And so
when it does, we are never prepared. The cracks
in the sidewalk have to soak up the puddles
because no one thought to develop
any kind of drainage system.

Here's another thing: it didn't rain this week... and Stella
and I are still hopping puddles on our walk
from the water that rose up from out of nowhere
and created this Mary-Poppins-of-a-painting
in the middle of my morning.

If a tree can grow in Brooklyn, I guess it can grow
in the middle of a puddle on my sidewalk too.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

Tonight, I feel like a 60-year old man, but coming home from work
at 8:00 at night seemed to warrant a fast and smooth
transition towards relaxation.

One of my coworkers thought she was paying me a compliment
and said that she wished she had done things differently, and waited
to get married, have babies. Maybe she would have risen the ranks as quickly,
me being younger and her boss and all.

When your 8:00 companion is a glass of whiskey, different
doesn't sound so bad. So I put the cap back on and allow myself
the hour before bedtime to feel just a little bit
sorry for myself.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Mount Sidney, VA

Does it get any better than
bare feet
toes in the grass
big smiles
two front teeth
Buddha belly
little girls?
I don't think so.


Huntsville, AL

Last night, there was a surprise knock on the door.
Gammie and Papa arrived with presents in toe!
Easter baskets, and boy are they beautiful!
The boys were as excited as I was.
I love unique, and special gifts that warm your heart.
Easter is truly the best time of year.

 Mount Sidney, VA

I suppose this is what little girls do...
and I have to wonder if the 
"real" Henry will be next.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

Looks like sometimes
Even water, love, and light,
Though they try, cannot be the

Glue that holds someone
On to life.

Huntsville, AL

While I was in my company's break room getting a glass of water
I noticed something at the corner of my eye.
A hand print on a yellow note pad.
It was sitting next to a phone and some fliers.
How odd, I thought, until I remembered.
It was my child's hand print!
He had traced his small, delicate hand over a year ago.
It was Christmas Eve morning and I had to work.
I took Lucas with me and gave him chick-fil-a breakfast to keep him happy.
And he drew his hand on the yellow paper.
To my surprise, no one touched it.
I decided to leave it there, 
a small, happy reminder of my sweet boy in the most
random of places.

 Mount Sidney, VA

How can something so pretty
possibly be considered a weed?
There has to be some really 
deep metaphor for this
and how my dandelion
is the prettiest flower 
of them all. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

Night 1 of Prince's 21 Night Stand Tour in Los Angeles at The Forum

When I was 5, I thought I was going to marry him.
Or Michael Jackson, whichever one would have me.
But I wasn't allowed to get married until I turned 30, according to my Mother.
After doing the math, I came to terms with the fact that I was going to have
a much older husband, either way
I flipped the coin.

I had no idea what his lyrics meant, just how sexually charged they were,
and it's probably for the best. But he is the one
who started me on my slow decline into a fiery passion-fueled fantasy
of what love should really sound like.

His sequined pants still ruin me.

Mount Sidney, VA

Krispy Cremes can make your day.
Even when they're a few days old.
Just heat for 8 seconds and you've got a glob
of gooey goodness.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Mount Sidney, VA

Protecting my new boots from the rain
wrapped tightly in my coat
as I run barefoot into
a nice restaurant.
Who cares about the feet and
the hair?
Frye boots are


Huntsville, AL



Los Angeles, CA

Caught in the act.
She's had it rough lately, but still relaxing
is so tough.


Mount Sidney, VA

Another morning ritual is sitting with ducky. 
I love the funny little look on her face
and those super-tight
and of course
that belly.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Mount Sidney, VA

She might be a summer bug
a phrase I just invented,
like "water bug"
meaning girl who loves the summer
warm weather
and long walks in the sunshine
she is in her element
in her tank top
shortie shorts and sun hat
leg up
just chillin'
singing into the wind.

Huntsville, AL

Whether your Kate Middleton,
walking down the isle on your wedding day,
or celebrating your 4th birthday,
it's always fun to be a princess for the day.
Mackenzie was an adorable Princess!


Los Angeles, CA

Sometimes this is all I can handle for dinner.
Cooking just isn't my thing.

Friday, April 8, 2011


 Mount Sidney, VA

Our new morning ritual
involves eating crackers in bed and
When I see that cute little face saying
"mo mo"
as in "more more"
pointing and making the baby sign language symbol,
I don't even mind the crumbs in the covers.


Thursday, April 7, 2011


Mount Sidney, VA

This is my view
as the captain
of her ship
every day
as we venture out into the
ocean of our little town
we soak up the sun
and ride the waves
of every passenger
in every passing car.


Los Angeles, CA

The stacks of insanity only grow
on my desk, as I am constantly reminded
that non-profit work is tireless and difficult and never-
ending. I have to remind myself that I do love
this work - the people especially, on a daily baisis,
as I watch my desk slowly disappear under
piles of paperwork.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Huntsville, AL

There is something about a shimmery, Easter Egg.
Pastel in color, maybe chocolate on the inside.
I made an Easter Egg tree for my boys.
I have fond memories of holiday decorations in my house.
They were special, fun, and nostalgic. 
An Easter Egg tree is a great start to my collection.
Both boys stare at it with delight!

Mount Sidney, VA

Our afternoon walks 
are the highlight of my day. 
I bring my camera along
in hopes of finding something inspiring
and in the glaring sun
I often shoot without knowing
what will appear.
Today it was my extra large
among the flowers.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Huntsville, AL

I'm writing this blog in silence. 
This is because my company blocked my beloved Pandora radio. 
Joe introduced me to Pandora a few years ago and I've been obsessed with it ever since. Pandora has introduced me to so many amazing artist that I may have never heard of otherwise.

I listened to Pandora every day while I mindlessly typed away at work. 
I have been known to sing out loud many times and not realize it. I know my co-worker is secretly happy it has been blocked because I am no American Idol. 
So, I sit and type, in silence.
Now realizing I'm going to have to listen to music the old school way, mixed cds!

 Mount Sidney, VA

Her brother, the lab. 
Love in the purest form
is so fun to watch. 


Monday, April 4, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

Except for a cold gun that pierced me twice
in this spot, it is not a place
I would ever imagine
as welcoming warmth.

And then it was kissed
in the slightest of gestures
and my heart melted
just a little bit.

Mount Sidney, VA

I love the tangled beauty
the mess of
weeds and flowers
discovered in the most
unlikely place.

 Huntsville, AL

We have crazy weather in Alabama.
I realized this the first time I heard a siren.
I was awoken at 1 am by this very loud noise and
it scared me to death! 

We've had tornado warnings a couple of times this year.
Schools closed early today.
I made it home before the hail started to pelt down.
I'm not so scared,
until I look at the picture above,
taken by a Baptist church 10 minutes away from my apartment.
Tornadoes, they don't mess around. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

When I was younger, change
was inevitable. Every 3 years
I got to become someone new.

I still have the bug, but am enjoying
what it feels like to have roots.

Buying a new comforter
every few months is but a small price
to pay for this exchange.


Huntsville, AL

Even though I gave you up to my parents seven years ago,
and you sometimes drive me crazy
when you lick Sam in the face and wake him up from a nap....

I am very relieved you are still here with us.



Los Angeles, CA

I have turned into one of those people.

I love it.
