Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

I've already said I spend a lot of time in the car. But today -
today, the windows were rolled down and I got to feel
my hair blowing in my face.

It reminded me that I hate my hair when it's short, but also
that it will grow and I will never never never
make that mistake again.

And in the mean time, I will enjoy
the breeze that squeezes itself between the hills in the valley
and weaves its way through my windows
to a mix of Adele and Kanye
that I have picked to be the soundtrack of my 82 degree evening.



Brooklyn, you don't like your new short hair cut? I think it looks great!

Brooke said...

No, I pretty much hate it. I feel like a newscaster - don't ask me why. I've been told I'm neurotic. It's probably true. But I hate it none the less.

PJH said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I am sure you look beautiful! I know how you feel, though. Every time I cut my hair short, I hate it and feel like a dorky soccer mom. I'm sorry you hate it!

Brooke said...

Yes - a soccer mom! I can totally relate...oh well. It grows, right?