Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Los Angeles, CA

Maybe it was because I was in a (particularly) good
mood today, but when I pulled up
at a stop sign behind this monster
of a message, I laughed

And it got me to thinking, when
is the last time I laughed out loud all by myself? Felt
that squeeze from the gut that spreads
to the lips and lose my grip
on the wheel?

Bitch, it felt good.

Fort Defiance, VA

This morning I saved a stink bug.
I saw it crawling
up my shabby chic 
bulletin board
and promptly picked it up
placing it outside my window to roam free
minutes later
he was still there
frozen in the rain
I thought I'd killed him
and grabbed a student to help me on my 
rescue mission
she picked him up
and released him on the floor
he sat frozen for minutes
and I worried he was a goner
but not long after
away he went
wandering into my closet


1 comment:


LOVE that bumper sticker!